Thursday, May 15, 2014

Godzilla's 1st Spoken Words & 1st Bloody Wound!
Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.Become a fan
Host, 'Mysteries From Beyond the Other Dominion'

Godzilla's First Spoken Words & First Bloody Wound!

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Godzilla speaks! In 1972's Godzilla Vs. Gigan( aka Godzilla On Monster Island), as Godzilla and the spiny dino Angillus are swimming together in the ocean, toward a confrontation with Gigan and Ghidorah (the 3-headed monster), balloons enclosing Japanese characters indicating speech appear with a Japanese voiceover as they talk about peace and individuals getting along together.
Ruehl Fact: This film marked the first time that Godzilla received a bloody wound: first, Gigan swooped down and wounded him in the shoulder, then, as an exhausted Godzilla was virtually defenseless, struck him repeatedly in the forehead!

Relevant video link:
Video: Bizarre Hollywood Facts About Godzilla | eHow UK