Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Latest HuffPost:"Could Some UFOs Be Alive?"

.Are Some UFOs Living Space Beings?

Posted: 06/26/2012 11:19 am React Amazing

Follow UFO News , Dr.Ruehl , Living Space Beings , UFOS Are Creaturees , Alien , Et , Extraterrestrial Life , Zeroid , Weird News .

 Rather than alien spacecraft, could some UFOs actually be living beings which normally inhabit the cosmic void?
"Zeroid" is the generic term applied to bioforms which may populate the recesses of free space. This domain is characterized by virtually zero temperature and zero atmospheric pressure.
While biologists might contend space is unsuitable for biogenesis, Russian astrophysicist Dr. V.l. Goldanskii argued that appreciable quantities of prebiotic material should be able to accumulate in the regions surrounding nebulae, or titanic gas clouds.
With the protracted passage of time, such matter could ultimately evolve into some form of life, suited to the brutal confines of space. Already dozens of organic compounds have been identified in space, including formaldehyde, prussic acid, and cellulose. In short, there is an abundance of basic building blocks out there to allow for the evolution of zeroids.
Considering that our island universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old, it is conceivable that zeroids represent the earliest life forms in the cosmic backdrop, perhaps even existing for nearly that entire time!
With such an elongated span of time at their disposal, zeroids could easily have trod many different evolutionary paths: They may range in dimensionality from the microscopic to the macroscopic.
Morphologies may vary from the utterly simple to the extraordinarily complex. They may live singly or in vast colonies. It should, of course, be stressed that humanoid forms are not to be expected. But, intelligence might be a developed feature.

For sustenance, zeroids' primary bill of fare might well be intergalactic dust and gas. Also not to be overlooked is the distinct possibility that larger zeroidal entities might possibly feast upon smaller ones.
Zeroids may have migrated to all sectors of space -- both within and without galaxies. Endowed with both mobility and intelligence, it is conceivable that some may have actually penetrated our zone of existence and been seen as UFOs!
Atmospheric friction might parboil some zeroids to cinders, and our planet's gases and temperature might prove lethal to still others.
Yet, some may have evolved a protective shield -- either physical or electromagnetic in nature -- that has enabled them to survive entry into our domain. These would be the living UFOs!
Actually, two UFO cases appear to support this intriguing concept. In 1976, in the Cluj-Napoca region of Romania, there materialized what appeared to be a living sphere of light exhibiting decidedly-animate behavior. Photographs taken of the entity passed all tests for legitimacy.
And, in British Columbia in 1978, researcher Dorothy Wilkinson snapped the first of many shots of bizarre string-like forms of light that resembled space worms!
So, considering the vastness of both space and time, it is certainly within the realm of feasibility that at least some UFOs may actually be living space creatures!

Follow Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D. on Twitter: www.twitter.com/drruehl

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Latest HuffPost Blog:"Bigfoot's Alien Connections!"

IS BIGFOOT POSSIBLY AN ALIEN ENTITY? By Dr.Franklin Ruehl Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot ,may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair, with no neck, sitting cross-legged. One Indian told him three of these "Crazy Bears" had been cast out of a small moon that dropped from the sky ard landed.The "moon" then ascended back into the air. So it's highly likely the "Crazy Bears" were really Bigfoots, and the "moon," a spacecraft. Now fast-forward almost 100 years to 1973...and Mrs. Reafa Heitfield. She and her l3-year-old son were sleeping in a trailer in Cincinnati, Ohio onthe moming of Odober 2L. Reafa arose at 2;30 a.m. to quench her thirst, and noticed strange lights in the adjoining parking lot. Looking out the window, her attention was drawn, in particular, to an inexplicable cone of light, shaped like a huge bubble umbrella - about seven feet in diameter. Nearby she spotted a grayish, ape-like ereature with a large, downward angled snout, no neck and a sizable waist.Moving slowly, it then entered into the light. About five minutes later, both apeman and UFO disappeared. Another dramatic incident occurred a few days later on October 25, 1973. A group of farmers in Fayette County, Pennsylvania caught sight of a dome-shaped UFO that was brightly lit and about 100 feet in diameter. As the locals drove toward it, they saw a pair of gargantuan creatures covered with thick, matted hair, luminescent green eyes and long arms that dangled below their knees. A farmer's son fired a gun shot at the creatures, one of which raised its right hand in the air. At that very moment, the UFO disappeared. Then, the two Bigfoots escaped into the woods and were never seen again. Dairy farmer William Bosak of Frederic, Wisconsin was returning from a co-op meeting about 10:30 p.m. on December 9, 1974, when he nearly slammed into a globular UFO on the road in front of him, its bottom half enshrouded in fog. Inside the visible transparent dome was a six-foot-tall ape-like creature with reddish-brown fur covering its body (except for the face) and distinctive pointed ears. It appeared to be operating a control panel. As Bosak passed by, the object suddenly arose and disappeared. In August,1976, after a series of UFO sightings around Rutland, Brifish Columbia, Canada, several men and their children saw a hairy ape-like entity, six to seven feet tall roaming about a mountainside. They also found a clump of hairthat was sent to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for identification. Laboratory analysis confirmed it was primate hair, But, significantly, it could not be matched to any known species on earth! Perhaps the Bigfoot creatures are UFO pilots, landing on earth for exploratory purposes. Or, conceivably, higher level ETs are leaving behind some specimens as "guinea pigs" to test our environment for longs-term survival. Or, possibly,these Bigfoots are criminal entities being deposited on Earth as a form of cosmic deportation!